Environmental Impact Top Priority
Artificial Art ltd. recognises and accepts that concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of the Company’s corporate business strategy. The Company will actively control and monitor the effects of its activities on the environment and will strive for a continual improvement in its environmental performance through a series of proactive policies.
Consideration will be given to the environmental impact of all projects throughout their lifecycle. The Company will conduct all of its activities in such a way so as to minimise any potential adverse effects of its operations on the environment and to minimise disturbance of the environment.
The Environmental Management System, based upon the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001: 2004, has been designed to implement these policies.
Particular attention is paid to the following:
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
- Water Resources Act 1991
- Wildlife and Country Act 1981
- The control of Pollution (Special Waste) Regulations
- Local environmental regulations applicable to the area of operations.
Maintaining Natural Resources, Managing Waste and Reducing Energy‐use
Artificial Art ltd. will minimise, wherever possible, the use of natural resources and will adopt a strict Waste Management Policy to reduce, reuse or recycle waste that is produced and arrange for the disposal of other waste in a responsible manner.
The Company will maintain an Energy Management Policy to prevent energy wastage and encourage more appropriate use of energy.
Our Environmental Consideration System ensures that the Company shall:
- Establish and maintain auditable, environmentally sound working procedures and
practices throughout its operations. - Prevent damage to protected wildlife species and habitats.
- Store and use oil, fuels and chemicals to minimum standards that comply with the Environmental Agencies Pollution guidelines.
- Avoid noise emissions that could create a Statutory Nuisance.
- Maintain all equipment in a safe and environmentally sound condition.
- Provide any available environmental information on the contracted operations/services, at the request of the nominated representative.